

What are Missions?

Missions are like Assignments : specific content that your teacher or trainer has assigned to you. The only difference is that they are more focused. In a Mission you will encounter either a Skill Booster or a Learning track.

Only one unit can be assigned to you per Mission but the requirements for completion are more precise. You will be tasked with obtaining a badge or a diploma for this task, not just finishing the exercise.

How do I create Missions?

To create Missions, click on the Create A Mission shortcut on your Teacher panel or select it frome the My School navigation. Then choose between Learning Tracks and Skill Boosters. For either type of Mission, once selected, click on Add A Mission.

To assign a Mission, first choose a class and a due date. Then click on "Add A Track" or "Add A Skill Booster." You will be taken to the relevant content catalogue page where you can choose the task to be assigned by clicking on the "+" sign in the pink icon on each learning unit.

Contrary to Assignments, Missions are more focused and can contain only one Track or Skill Booster.

Good to know: every Mission created, whether assigned (sent to your students) or not, is saved in your Missions workspace, until you delete it.

- You can make changes to your Missions, assigned or not, provided the due date has not passed. For assigned Missions, the students will be notified of the change on their Student Panel.

- You can change the deadline for a Mission provided the due date has not passed; your students will be informed of the changed date on their Student Panel. The deadline is inclusive of the due date.

How do I know if a mission has been completed?

For every Mission (Learning Track or Skill Booster) assigned, you can track the current status of student compliance and scored obtained by clicking on the Mission on your Teacher Panel or on the grey icon with three dots next to the Published date directly on the Missions page.

Good to know: a student can replay any of the learning units in a Mission as many times as desired provided the deadline has not passed, and during this time the student's best score on each learning unit in the Mission will be the one retained. As soon as the deadline passes, the scores can no longer change for that specific Mission, but the student can nevertheless continue to improve on his or her score for that learning unit outside of the Mission. Please note: if a student has successfully completed a Learning Track or Skill Booster previous to its assignment as a Mission, the completion of the Mission and the score and diploma or badge obtained will already be visible to the teacher

What happens when I delete a mission?

You can delete Missions, but only if they are as yet unassigned or still in progress. If the deadline for the Mission has passed, you can no longer delete it. When a Mission in progress is deleted, it is also deleted for the students (who will receive notification of the cancelled mission on their Student Panel), but their score in the assigned learning units will remain in the data record for each student.