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The translation language enables you translate words (in addition to key vocabulary) inside a learning unit, as with a dictionary. You can change the translation language by clicking "Change" next to "Your translation language" in the top right-hand corner of the Home page (web) or in "Language Settings" (mobile app)
Just like the interface language, the large number of available translation languages can be be very helpful for diverse audiences like that of the platform, in particular for beginners in a language.
There are 26 translation languages available on the platform.
为了跟踪您在网站上完成的学习单元,Linguaphone Connect 会记录您获得的得分、在网站上花费的时间以及您的评估测试结果。您还可以在相关的数据面板部分中找到并修改所学的表达式和语法规则。